ANSWER: Whether you are sinful or not, this is related to whether you were negligent or not and whether you knew something like that could have happened or not.  Either way, repent to Allah and cut commutations with such an evil friend.

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ANSWER: You are all in great danger as the Prophet salla Allahu Alaihi wa sallam warned that those who sever ties of kinship will not be admitted to paradise. Failing to communicate with one another and having hearts filled with arrogance and resentment surely fits the description of “severing ties of kinship” like a glove.

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ANSWER: If they are dead, you must give it to their heirs but if you can’t find them then give that amount on their behalf to poor and needy Muslims.

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ANSWER: When dogs bark, we don’t go on our hands and knees and bark back! Let them talk and say whatever they want while you smile in their faces showing them how evil and bad people they are without paying attention to them. After sometime, they will go away and be quiet.

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