No one on this earth is sitting idle without looking for, without searching for and without pursuing the ultimate goal, which is happiness. Everyone of us looks for happiness, searches for the peace of mind, even if we have to pay every single dime we have in order to achieve that. Happiness is Allah’s paradise […]

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Today, I am going to speak about peers and the way they influence us. As humans, we are social by nature. Allah has created us such that we have the need to mix with others, get acquainted and get to know one another. It is a well-known form of punishment to put a person in […]

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When Bush and Tony Blair managed to pass a single lie known as weapons of mass destructions (WMD), millions of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan have been killed, injured or displaced as a result. However, when the truth was unveiled, a simple ‘oops’ and ‘sorry’ was sufficient and the Muslims were ordered to “kiss and […]

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Question: Can you briefly give us an idea of what is moderation in Islam? Answer: The terminology of moderation can be translated into “Wasathiyyah” (the middle path). This is a universal trend. You always find the right wing and the left wing, which means that there is something in the middle. Allah azza wa jal […]

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The title of this talk is The Walking Qur’an. Though Da’ees and Scholars have used this title before, I do not like it very much. The reason is that, as you all know, the ‘Aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah wa al-Jamaa’ah is that the Qur’an is the ‘Word’ of Allah azza wa jal. Meaning, it is one […]

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Islam came to purify the hearts of people. The Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said, “I was merely sent to perfect the moral conduct (the characteristics of people)” which means that when the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam was sent to us there were traces of moral conduct, of good behavior, of Akhlaq. […]

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A person is asking about following the hanafi madhab and in things that may go against the Sunnah. His question is: “Would I be losing the Rahma of Allah azza wa jal, {the mercy of Allah}, because I am not abiding by the Sunnah or I am not following other schools of thought that follow […]

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