ANSWER: No, you should give it to the poor.
Read moreANSWER: No problem in anyone doing it for you.
Read moreANSWER: This is fine and the child doesn’t have to touch anything as this is not from Islam.
Read moreANSWER: The sunnah is to offer goats for aqiqa and not a cow or a camel
Read moreANSWER: If you earn then you should do your own sacrifice / Qurbani
Read moreANSWER: If you are financially independent or can afford it, you should offer this sacrifice on the day of eid. Your intention before or after the month starts has no significance except in refraining from clipping your nails or cutting your hair.
Read moreANSWER: This is permissible but it is not per the sunnah The sunnah is to divide each sacrifice into three parts If someone sacrificed 3 sheep, made one charity, one as a gift and the 3rd for himself to eat from, that is wrong! The sunnah is to divide each sheep to three parts
Read moreANSWER: If your husband is offering it, it’s sufficient for the whole family living under his roof
Read moreANSWER: No problem in sharing it as it is a gift for your mother.
Read moreANSWER: Yes. However, if your brother or mother is doing it and you live in the same house and eat from the same kitchen then that udhiyah is sufficient for the entire family.
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