You must learn your religion and teach it to others with wisdom and good manners. You must uphold ties of kinship. Kindly refer to the following link(s):
Read moreWa alaikum assalam, She shouldn’t come over when your father and brother are there as she is a non mahram. You can teach her how to perform wudhu and pray and fast but it is best to teach her about Tawheed and worshipping Allah.
Read moreA female can give dawah to females only.
Read moreThis is not true. However the reward is great.
Read moreAllah says: And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, “We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are Muslims […]
Read moreAll the people are born with the inner nature of worshiping One Lord, it is their parents that take them to other religions. This is a test for him, and if he will accept the truth he will be rewarded, and if he will not, he will suffer the consequences. Likewise, not all born Muslims […]
Read moreBe an example, a good neighbor, a good son for your parents and tell them about Tawhid and the oneness of Allah and have them agree that Allah has no associates, no son and needs no one!
Read moreenerally speaking its not good to debate with them because they are liars! Besides, people used the term Sunni to refer to the mainstream Muslims! This only came up when this deviant cult appeared! The whole of Quran talks about Sunnis when it talks about Muslims and Islam!This deviant sect lies and doesn’t say the […]
Read moreIt is a waste of time speaking with a kafir who is unable to See! Convince her first of the existence of Allah and then of the truth of the Quran. If she believes in this, you can then convince her of the rest! Without this, she will not believe anything! You shouldn’t take such […]
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