There are special books on the causes of revelations and you will find these also in the books of tafseer.
Read moreThis is addressing Allah’s servants! Meaning convey my message to them
Read moreThe Quran tells us that the bible has been distorted and changed! It can not be relied on or followed as one can’t tell which is truth and which is false!
Read moreThis is not a reliable qira’ah nor authentic.
Read moreThe aya talks about creating all things in pairs, and it refers to the plants that bare the fruit, and to all the other living things.
Read moreIt means as it says! We, in so many cases, choose what harms us and puts us in danger out of ignorance while Allah is so merciful that He doesn’t punish us for that on the spot and He gives us time to repent and makes it easy for us!
Read moreNo, this is wrong and is only said by ignorants! Speaking about Allah without knowledge is a major sin!
Read moreThere is no contradiction between the Quran and modern science! Allah’s Noor is unlike any other Noor and you trying to simulate Allah’s attribute to His creatures is a very dangerous thing! The moon doesn’t have a light of its own and it is reflecting the light of the sun,
Read moreThis is Allah’s will! No one has the right to ask Him why He did this and not that! Allah didn’t give us any justifications and this shows who is a true Muslim who believes and submits and that who is following the footsteps of his ancestor; Satan who refused to prostrate to Adam as […]
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