ANSWER: This question is weird! If you don’t pay taxes, you will go to prison and they will take their taxes with riba added to it!  Are you ok with that?

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ANSWER: No, this is not permissible as it’s a major sin and Allah has waged a war against people who deal with riba. Besides, it is prohibited for a Muslim woman to travel without the companionship of a male mahram! What kind of a father would send his young daughter to a kafir country, not […]

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ANSWER: When you pay the lender interest, this is when you are cursed by Allah for taking the riba based loan! Giving extra to charity won’t help you at all as you are not the lender who is accepting the interest. Repent to Allah, feel remorse and ask Him for forgiveness and pay off all […]

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ANSWER: This is totally prohibited and the income is absolutely haram if its a conventional riba based bank!

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ANSWER: No, this is not permissible  It’s a major sin and Allah has waged a war against people who deal with riba!

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ANSWER: I don’t know what the line of such firms is! If they are a financial group where the majority of their work deals with riba and consultations and auditing, it is not permissible to work there as IT or any other position. 

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