Last time, we spoke about three of the ayahs with which the author began Chapter 1. Now we move on to the fourth location that he mentioned. Allah ‘azza wa jal says: “Worship Allah and join none with Him (in worship)…” [Surat an-Nisa (4): 36] This ayah is in Surat an-Nisa. It is a long […]
Read moreWe will begin with the first chapter of Kitab At Tawheed and unlike other books, the compiler of this book started and began immediately with going straight to the topic of Tawheed(The Oneness of Allah azza wa jal). He (May Allah mercy on his soul) began this chapter with the number of the verses of […]
Read moreThe third type of Tawheed is known as Tawheed al-Asmaa wa as-Sifaat – the Tawheed of Allah’s Beautiful Names and Attributes. This is a great type of Tawheed. The Qur’an and the Sunnah are filled with verses and Ahadeeth confirming this. It is to worship Allah ‘azza wa jal Alone with His Beautiful Names and […]
Read moreLast time we talked about Tawheed ar-Ruboobiyyah, the Tawheed of Lordship. The second type of Tawheed is Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah, and this is the Tawheed of Worship. It is called Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah because we attribute it to Allah. It is also called Tawheed al-‘Ibadah because it is attributed to the forms of worship and to worshiping Allah […]
Read moreWhen we say Tawheed, what do we mean by it? Tawheed is derived from the word “One”. So when you say the verb “wahhada”, it means that he made the things in to one. So, Tawheed is the belief in the Oneness of Allah ‘azza wa jal. So first of all, we have the belief […]
Read moreThis is an attempt to spread the knowledge from the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Any Muslim, without any doubt, if you ask him about the purpose of creation, he would say, “To worship Allah the Almighty.” The problem is that in the Muslim world, we find that there is a certain amount of sensitivity whenever […]
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