ANSWER: A layman can’t pick and choose what he likes without being a student of knowledge who knows Arabic as this would be cherry-picking You can’t pray istikhara for such issues
Read moreAs long as one is basing his argument on a daleel which is beyond doubt, this is permissible. Otherwise, he should say it is an issue of dispute and the most authentic opinion is so and so.
Read moreThis depends on how they looked at the evidences or whether it was weak to them!
Read moreThe majority of scholars see it to be the same
Read moreSunnah Mo’akadah are the ones that the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam always used to pray such as the ones before and after the prayers. The Sunnah gair mo’akkadah is the ones that he either instructed us to do but he himself didn’t do or the ones that he did off and on. Nafil […]
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