ANSWER: Arrogance is a major sin when it comes to humans as it is defined as rejecting the truth and looking down at others. Al-Mutakabbir (the Majestic) is the one of Allah’s beautiful names and it is the One Who is above all bad qualities, shortcomings and faults, because of His might and pride and […]

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ANSWER: It’s not permissible to call someone khaliq since this name is only of Allah! However, no problem in saying that someone created something worldly or someone is a creator of something as this is totally different than something that Allah creates.

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ANSWER: This is disrespecting Allah and not permissible to describe Him with other than He had described Himself 

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ANSWER: Allah is greater than everything your can think of. We describe Allah only by what He Himself described Himself by or by what His messenger did.  We don’t use the word “body” as He did not use it nor we imagine things which Satan puts in our minds, otherwise we would be followers of […]

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