ANSWER: This is totally prohibited and the marriage would be invalid, you would be living in zina and the children born would be illegitimate as a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man!
Read moreANSWER: Your father has all the right to reject whomever he does not see fit for his daughter and any marriage without his consent is considered void therefore, you must try to convince him or move on with your life.
Read moreANSWER: If he doesn’t offer prayers, not even a single prayer then its not permissible for you to continue this marriage! Involve your parents and his and give him the warning, if he still doesn’t pray then you must leave him.
Read moreANSWER: This is something the man and his wife should be asking about and not you as this is none of your business and you should keep your nose out of other people’s affairs. If the woman’s father did not give her away in marriage, the marriage is invalid.
Read moreANSWER: If he worships the graves, your marriage is invalid and you are living in zina.
Read moreANSWER: If she believes marrying a kafir is permissible, this is apostasy and you must not be friends with such a person. If she doesn’t believe that marrying him is permissible, then she is an adulteress and her child is born out of wedlock.
Read moreANSWER: It is totally prohibited to marry such a person!
Read moreANSWER: This is nonsense and mocking the rules of Allah and no marriage takes place like this!
Read moreANSWER: What you have heard is not true You both are husband and wife unless he divorces you or you take khula, even if you live separately, without having intimacy for 50 years!
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