ANSWER: What you have been through was a haram relationship that angered Allah and your istikhara was invalid due to that.  This person is playing with you and using you.  Repent to Allah, show sincere remorse and cut all commutations between you and him and accept any good proposal that Allah sends your way after […]

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ANSWER: Of course not! It’s not permissible to chat or make friends with non mahram females, online or in real life, whether you have feelings for them or not!

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ANSWER: This is not appropriate because it would bring back memories and satan might make you fall back into that sin again 

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ANSWER: You must immediately break all communication and contact with her and block her from everywhere and never respond to her messages. You are sinful for what you had committed with her in the first place and you should be worried about your punishment. If you continue in such a relationship or communicate with her […]

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ANSWER: Completely ignore her, block her from everywhere and never respond to her messages! Instead of guiding her to Islam as you claim, you should follow Islam yourself and fear Allah by stopping all haram communication with such a woman! 

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ANSWER: If you were in a haram relationship and now he has transformed into being this extreme, you are better off without him as his religious inclinations are not moderate nor based on Islamic sharia as he claims.  You must not be in contact with him at all as part of repenting so that Allah […]

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