ANSWER: If the price is fixed and you are buying from the owner and there isn’t any way that the installments would increase more than what was agreed upon initially, this is permissible.

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ANSWER: The profit should be a fixed percentage, on the actual profits the company makes and not a fixed amount of money. If you don’t share any losses and they guarantee to give you your money back when you ask for it, this is clear riba. When joining them, your 40k should be calculated to […]

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ANSWER: The prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said: The honest truthful merchant is with the Prophets, Siddiqeen and martyrs on the day of judgment.

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ANSWER: No problem in this if you don’t have the option of current account and if there is no Islamic bank in your city. And if you get any interest from it, it’s haram money and you must dispose this off to poor and needy Muslims in order to cleanse your wealth, without anticipating any […]

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ANSWER: In order for any investment into the shares of a company, two conditions must be fulfilled: 1- The line of work is halal.  2- The company doesn’t deal in Riba by financing its activities through riba or through deposits.

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ANSWER: I don’t know about this company or their dealings. It is not enough to have celebrities endorsing it without actually knowing their true line of work and monitoring that through a sharia board supervising their day to day activities made of trusted scholars.

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ANSWER: Trading in stocks is permissible providing that the line of work of such companies is halal and that they don’t finance their projects with riba nor deal in riba.  If you buy stocks on the condition that you sell it on the same day, this is prohibited as it is a form of gambling.  […]

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