ANSWER: Memorizing them doesn’t help you! What will make you answer those questions is how practicing you are during you are alive.
Read moreANSWER: Yes, providing there are no things requiring him to be tormented in the grave or punished in Hell! The hadeeth is authentic, and one enters paradise or jahnnam after the Day of Judgement. However, he will enjoy or be tormented in his grave accordingly. Also, the hadeeth talks about the final destination and not […]
Read moreANSWER: Of course not! His martyrdom is enough proof over his sincerity and hence he would not be questioned in his grave.
Read moreANSWER: It’s authentic that if you die on Friday, you will be protected from the torment of the grave but going to jannah or not is in Allah’s hands and this is not mentioned in the hadith.
Read moreANSWER: He will be exempted from the torment of the grave but not from Hell.
Read moreANSWER: This is absolutely fake as humans or jinns cannot hear the punishment that’s being given in the grave.
Read moreIf you have included your parents in it before donating it, they will be rewarded. Saving you from the torment of the grave is in Allah’s hands and there is no specific reward for that. Reciting suratul Mulk every night before going to bed saves you from such torment.
Read moreAfter death is Barzakh. This is the interval between this world and the hereafter where one would remain is his grave, with a window to paradise or to hell.
Read moreIt is a different world with different dimensions.
Read moreIt appears that it will happen to everyone except the Prophets.
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