ANSWER: Abu Bakr and Omer requested to be buried next to the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam because they were with him all the time while he was alive and they are by far the best of his companions who accompanied him and were his consultants.    

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ANSWER: The hadeeth is not authentic according to a lot of scholars. Even if it was authentic, it refers to rewards in some aspects but not in who is better or best among the people as there is no comparison between the companions and others at all. 

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ANSWER: Some scholars say that she was 28 and other say she was 40. Her age is not of great importance to us, may Allah be pleased with her and it has no impact on her great role and status in Islam.

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ANSWER: This hadeeth is authentic.  If we manage to stay steadfast on Islam in our troubled times and in calamities, we will be highly rewarded. We won’t surely reach the companions’ patience and commitment but Allah will grant us this reward out of His generosity.

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