ANSWER: If you feel this way and you don’t have a single person who you can talk to then it’s time to check your own behavior and attitude towards others. It is impossible that all the people are wrong and you are the only one who is right! I suggest you book a counseling session […]

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ANSWER: When someone doesn’t want to understand, nothing can make them understand as satan is contorting their thinking and insisting on destroying their lives and causing them great deal of hardship! I suggest that you book a counseling session with me if you can afford it as it is obvious you suffer from OCD not […]

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ANSWER: This is possible and a good thikr, below is the proper dua for laziness: The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to say: “Allaahumma inni a’oodhu bika min al-hammi wa’l-hazani wa’l- ‘ajzi wa’l-kasali wa’l-jubni wa’l-bukhli wa dal’ il- dayn wa ghalabat al-rijaal (O Allah, I seek refuge with You from […]

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ANSWER: Yes, in sha Allah. As long as you do your best, Allah is the most Merciful and doesn’t burden a soul beyond what it can bear.

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ANSWER: This is extreme behaviour. Once you have dusted your bedding, sleep without thinking about it. If you do not ignore this feeling, you may develop OCD. You need to trust Allah and know that whatever Allah had predestined for you, it is going to happen even if you go to the moon! Stop acting […]

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ANSWER: There is nothing to reassure you of! If you open the door for satan to doubt our prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam like this, it is a matter of time before you leave the fold of Islam as your Iman is at its lowest level! If you were a true Muslim, you would […]

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ANSWER: This is in Allah’s hands.  As long as the individual had died a Muslim, his fate is with Allah; if He wills it, He will forgive him. Otherwise, he will punish him in hell for sometime but eventually, he will be admitted to paradise. 

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