ANSWER: There’s no kufr in this! Stop watching tik tok!
Read moreANSWER: When someone doesn’t want to understand, nothing can make them understand as satan is contorting their thinking and insisting on destroying their lives and causing them great deal of hardship! I suggest that you book a counseling session with me if you can afford it as it is obvious you suffer from OCD not […]
Read moreANSWER: There is no inflating of satan’s ego at all! This is his job description and he pledged to divert us from the straight path and to lure us to hellfire and this is what he is doing in reality.
Read moreANSWER: This is satan messing up with your head to make you abandon praying all together! It’s mandatory for men to pray in the masjid, even if you feel you find more khushu praying at home!
Read moreANSWER: Yes, you need to wait until you sit back from sujood
Read moreANSWER: There is a difference between having intrusive thoughts that are blocked and ignored and between being doubtful whether Islam is true or not and whether Allah exists or not! This later is disbelief as one is not truly Muslim if he lacks certainty about Allah, Islam and the prophet salla allahu alaihi wa sallam. […]
Read moreANSWER: His Islam is certain and his whispers of kufr are doubtful. Certainty is not affected by doubt.
Read moreANSWER: These are waswas from Satan to depress and sadden you and to finally make you abandon praying altogether and to take you with him to hellfire! You must completely ignore such whispers and never contemplate on them and simply pray normally even if you feel you made a mistake, do not repeat and move […]
Read moreANSWER: Repeating it like this pleases Satan but it angers Allah. They must stop immediately as satan is messing up with their minds and I personally have counseled many people similar to this who eventually left praying altogether and left the fold of Islam because they followed the steps of satan and ended up feeling […]
Read moreANSWER: This is a continuous fight between you and Satan and it would not end except when you die and leave this life. The bad part is that the more you sin, the weaker your remorse will get until you don’t feel bad about it anymore, rather you begin to enjoy it and want it. […]
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