ANSWER: If this is a loan, this is clear riba and one of the major 7 sins in Islam.  If he is a partner or investor, he should also be liable for loss and ready to lose his money if anything goes wrong in the business.  A loan can only be given and taken back […]

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ANSWER: If you found it in a land that doesn’t belong to anyone and it has the marks of pre-Islamic period, it is yours after giving 20% of it to the poor and needy Muslims. This is called as rikaz.

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ANSWER: Such cherry picking can’t be considered part of Islam as this is forming your own new religion!

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ANSWER: You must take back the same currency you gave to them.  If you gave it to them in rupees, you must take it back in rupee. But if you gave it to them in dollars, you must take them back in dollars.

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ANSWER: This is totally prohibited and its riba, one of the major sins in Islam. You must be part of both profit and loss. You can get a fixed percentage on the capital you invested and not a fixed amount. 

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ANSWER: If you agreed to 15% share of the profit, this is fine but you will lose your share in the capital equal to his share if there are losses as you both entered with 50/50 However, if the business shuts down, we must look into what remained from the capital and you and him […]

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