ANSWER: Any muslim can do ruqya. The more the person is righteous, the better it is. QUESTION: What is Ruqyah and how one should do it?

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ANSWER: This is not permissible as its an innovation. You should do ruqya instead. RUQYA FOR CURE: Do ruqya on water, preferably zamzam and drink lots from it throughout the day and night and also bathe with this water until you’re cured by the will of Allah. QUESTION: What is Ruqyah and how one should […]

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ANSWER: This is OK but the best is to make ruqya everytime on the new water for it to be more effective  QUESTION: What is Ruqyah and how one should do it?

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ANSWER: Applying musk is not part of ruqya and nowhere it says that this wards off jinn! This might appeal to them instead!  QUESTION: What is Ruqyah and how one should do it?

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ANSWER: You MUST say Allahumma barik every time you compliment them as there is a chance that you might give them evil eye without intending or even realizing.  What are the duas for the protection of children?

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