ANSWER: If your father wants to contribute in the house expenses then this is permissible But giving him a gift without giving the same to his other children is not permissible & one of the major sins in Islam

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ANSWER: They can boycott them if they want, if the children had committed something heinous in Islam that calls for that. However, they can’t prevent them from inheriting them after their death as long as they are Muslims.

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ANSWER: She is sinful for depriving her children from their rights that Allah has awarded them. If she is defiant and insisting on not giving it to them, they can go to court and get it by force 

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ANSWER: If it was a gift to the wife and was registered in her name then it’s her property and no one has any right on it. But if it was his property and was only registered in her name to avoid taxations or any legal issue, this belongs to his wealth and she has […]

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ANSWER: It must be divided according to shariah laws where the sons get double the share of daughters. If your mother and aunt want to let go of their share voluntarily then this is permissible only after the death of their father takes place and not before that. The mentally disabled son’s share should be […]

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ANSWER: She is oppressing you and sinning in the process as demanding your rights in the inheritance is something given to you by Allah and she has no right in preventing you from demanding it and taking it.  Keep on trying to talk to her and if she blocks you, this is her sin and […]

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ANSWER: In case she has no relatives at all then the money goes to bait almaal (treasury) in the Muslim country. And in case her parents are alive then the mother takes one-third and the rest goes to the father.

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