ANSWER: Masturbation is haram and its transgression against Allah ! Who in his right mind would even suggest that they do such a heinous act at night so that they would not break their fast? Why not also allow fornicators to commit zina at night so that they wouldn’t do it at day time? The […]

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ANSWER: Are you serious? Watching such filth all of these years and then claiming to be afraid of huqooq al Ibad is ridiculous! He doesn’t fear Allah and doesn’t care that Allah is watching him watch such filth! What does he care whether these prostitutes are Muslims or not? He should get a life before […]

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ANSWER: Don’t look at the size of the sin, rather look at Who you’re sinning against! However, you already know this and hence, you have no regards to the fact the allah is watching you do such filth! Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether it is major or minor sin. 

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ANSWER: You are ordered to do whatever Allah orders you to do! When you pray 5 times a day, who told you that all of your prayers are accepted? Without these prayers being offered in the correct manner with the right concentrations and submissiveness, you won’t benefit from it that much and it won’t keep […]

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