ANSWER: When they are k*ll*ng our brothers and sisters, curs*ng them is better while f*ght*ng back.
Read moreANSWER: Yes. “Whoever asks Allah sincerely for martyrdom [Allahumma inni as’aluk ash-shahadah], Allah will cause him to reach the status of the martyrs even if he dies in his bed.” [‘Sahih al-Bukhari’; # 1909]
Read moreANSWER: “Whoever asks Allah sincerely for martyrdom [Allahumma inni as’aluk ash-shahadah], Allah will cause him to reach the status of the martyrs even if he dies in his bed.” We can also say the dua of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) اللَّهُمَّ ارْزُقْنِي شَهَادَةً فِي سَبِيلِكَ ، وَاجْعَلْ مَوْتِي فِي بَلَدِ رَسُولِكَ صَلَّى […]
Read moreANSWER: It is authentic that martyrs will get 72 houris in paradise, but this hadeeth is just applicable on martyrs but not those who commit suicide bombs. Those who commit suicide bombing will go straight to hell for killing themselves and others and they are not martyrs!
Read moreANSWER: As Muslims, we all love to free Syria from the Tyrant Nosairi ruler and his regain. The problem is that all foreigners who go there either end up sold to foreign intelligence agencies or engaged in internal fighting over power, leaving Islam behind their back! There’s no single muslim flag or a muslim […]
Read moreANSWER: This is absolutely prohibited in Islam. Whoever commits suicide attacks will go to hell as he chose to kill himself!
Read moreANSWER: Learn Arabic, memorize the Quran, study Aqeedah, tafseer and fiqh and implement all of this in your life.
Read moreIf martyrs are gonna go straight to Jannah, do we need to pray after their death or is it of no use?
ANSWER: It is an issue of dispute. The most authentic opinion is that we don’t wash the bodies of martyrs nor change their clothes and we don’t pray janazah prayer for them because the Prophet Salla Allahu alaihi wa Sallam didn’t offer it on the martyrs of Uhud and because it is an intercession and […]
Read moreANSWER: If Allah wanted, He could have annihilated all of the enemies of Islam and humanity in a flash. Allah created us to test us in this life and then admit the righteous to paradise and throw the evil in hell for eternity. Unfortunately, Muslims have become diluted, compromising their religion and mixing it with […]
Read moreANSWER: No, the greatest Jihad is fighting in the battlefield in the cause of Allah.
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