ANSWER: This is totally prohibited.  Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam forbade this and said a woman who believes in Allah and the day of judgement must not travel without her male mahram.

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ANSWER: He has all the right given by Allah to stop his daughters from doing anything haram!  Music is haram in islam! She must obey him in wearing the abaya and you must support him in such a decision by explaining to her about her identity and the honor and pride of a Muslim.

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ANSWER: If it was a gift for a person in exchange of something he had done or tried to do, this is permissible as in the case I challenge someone that if he climbed that mountain, I will give him money for that but I am challenging him as I don’t believe that he can!  […]

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ANSWER: Saying bismillah before sinning is an act of apostasy to some scholars as they say that a person saying this is asking Allah to facilitate for him in such a sin, which is mocking Allah.  Usually, people say it without intending it. If they know what they are saying over such haram things, this […]

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ANSWER: No, this is not true.  There are no times during the day or night that are forbidden to sleep as long as one is praying all his prayers on time and he’s fulfilling all his day to day responsibilities on time.

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