ANSWER: If it is not halal and it is not slaughtered, you can’t eat that. But if it is slaughtered by Christians, this is permissible to consume.

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ANSWER: These are traps of Satan to make people astray by showing these kind of tricky ‘Logic’.  Those sugary foods would be dangerous for the diabetics whenever it would endanger their health and safety and not for normal people whereas smoking is haram for everyone as Allah has said that everything that is harmful for […]

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ANSWER: He should explain to his father that this is haram Rizq and Allah gives this to Muslims and disbelievers alike!  However, this doesn’t mean it is halal or that Allah is pleased with it! It is like someone fornicating with a girl and says that this is Rizq from Allah! 

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ANSWER: It is totally prohibited to shake hands or touch a non mahram. Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said its better to be pierced with an iron needle in your head than touch a non mahram female.  

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ANSWER: Theoretically and generally speaking, this would make a person out of the fold of Islam. However, It is not your your duty to give takfeer to others. This is done by scholars after enduring that the conditions are fulfilled and obstacles are removed. This can only be done after talking to that individual and […]

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