ANSWER: You must insist he uses the right hand for drinking and eating as using left hand for this is prohibited in Islam. There won’t be any medical complications due to this. All muslims who are lefty eat with their right hands without a problem! 

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ANSWER: If these tests are scientific and based on observation of the behavior of an individual and checking his positive and negative inclinations and observing his actions, reactions, feelings and statements and then building a scientific profile based on facts, this is permissible in Sha Allah. But if it is based on analyzing his hand writing or […]

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ANSWER: If touching was to save a life as in the case of drowning or an emergency, this is permissible if not mandatory. 

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ANSWER: Claiming that something is holy is prohibited without evidence form Quran and Sunnah. When someone associates with it such offensive words, this means that this is part of his religion and belief that such filth is holy and sacred! 

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ANSWER: It’s not permissible to sell this. You must destroy it and throw it away. If you have already sold it, the money is haram and must be given to poor or needy muslims in order to cleanse your wealth from such haram money, in addition to repenting and asking Allah for forgiveness.

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ANSWER: No problem if it’s safe and when she is wearing the proper Islamic hijab and providing its within the city limits if not accompanied by her male mahram.

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ANSWER: If such coins are not made of gold and silver and they are not in use anymore, this is permissible.

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