ANSWER: There is nothing specified as such. It’s your own money and you’re obliged to give at least the basics to your wife and children and as for parents you are only obliged to give them if they don’t have any money of their own.

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ANSWER: If your father didn’t order them when he was alive, he will be accountable. You are responsible to order your unmarried sister to abide by the Islamic laws but the problem is that in today’s times, you don’t have any authority over her especially in kafir countries. You should try your best to instead […]

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ANSWER: Don’t be sad, be patient as you’re doing this for Allah’s sake and He will reward you tremendously for obeying Him. Smile when she says such things and never argue or be disrespectful towards her in any situation while holding your ground when it comes to islam. 

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ANSWER: If this individual is extreme and not properly following the way of the prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, you must not befriend him and you must obey your parents. But if he is righteous and practicing has good akhlaq and follows the sunnah with wisdom and according to the understanding of the 3 […]

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ANSWER: Yes, you are sinful. It’s obligatory upon you to maintain ties of kinship with him. He will be accountable for his deeds in front of Allah and so will you be if you don’t connect with him and fulfill your duties towards him.

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ANSWER: It is their mistake for allowing him to be disrespectful and still provide him with food and service. Your mother shouldn’t clean or cook for him until he behaves and act like a grownup man. They should cut the internet access on him and not pay his mobile phone till he mans up.

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