ANSWER: Compare your deed with the many favors and blessings of Allah upon you and how little good deeds you have given! Also always be afraid that Allah may not have accepted your deeds. 

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ANSWER:  If you have not wronged that person, his curses or bad Duas would have no impact. He would be sinful for doing such duaa.

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ANSWER: It is not for you to decide who is a munafiq and who isn’t. You can advice them generally towards goodness without any labelling. How would you feel if someone had a strong feeling that you were born out of wedlock? 

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ANSWER: You must try your level best to abide by the sunnah and to stay away from sin if you want to save yourself from hellfire. You must surround yourself with righteous practicing muslims, 24/7 in order to be saved from such whispers.

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ANSWER: You should do whatever it takes to convey to the people proper Islamic knowledge if you are knowledgable and know how to diplomatically advise people.

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