ANSWER: As long as you didn’t know it was prohibited to work there or the source was haram, then the money is halal in Sha Allah. The moment you find out that it is haram, the money you earn after that is haram as well.

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ANSWER: This is not permissible to post such pictures. Selling them on the other hand is something that is unavoidable due to the many products that have such photos on them. 

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ANSWER: This is not permissible. It is permissible to give children toys that have the shape of humans or animals. It is not permissible to have these drawings on the clothes of children.

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ANSWER: If the payment was based on hourly basis and in return of productivity, he is entitled to the amount he had produced. But if the agreement was to finish the job and then get paid for it which he has failed in doing or fulfilling, he doesn’t deserve anything.

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ANSWER: No problem in this due to necessity if you cannot find a job in a all boys school or university since a man has the responsibility of providing for the family. Are boys allowed to study at mixed universities knowing that in our country all universities are mixed?

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