ANSWER: You must not use it to the point that it starts effecting your eyes or health! Drinking too much water can also be harmful. Do we say that drinking water is haram? 

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ANSWER: This is not permissible. You must destroy it as selling it is facilitating and collaborating in sin as it will be used in sin. The money you would get from it would also be haram. 

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ANSWER: I don’t know of it being a complete food. There is a hadeeth where the prophet salla allahu alaihi wa sallam said that vinegar is the best of dip that one eats with bread. 

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ANSWER: If he is going to sell it to you after buying it, this is permissible as the sin is on him! However, you must not commit to buying it or give him any down payment until he actually possesses it and you have the choice whether to continue or refuse to but it. 

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ANSWER: Yes, it is halal.

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