IN a kind manner, try your best to advise your parents on how they must improve their upbringing. You may involve an elder or a learned person (in deen) to help you talk to them and guide them. In parallel, advise your siblings and help them understand the right and wrong, the good and bad […]

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You minimize contact with them to the absolute minimum if they are harming you or your family in any way. However, in any condition, you cannot cut off. maybe calling upon them once in awhile to check upon them or greeting on occasions or in times of their need suffices.

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No, it is not haram for you to stay away form them, but deal with them diplomatically. Still Stay polite with them or you will lose your husband to side with them even if you are truthful, if you react to their  acts. The most thing that kills them is when you don’t react and […]

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As long as you are fulfilling your obligations towards them, there is no need for asking them for permission. However, you must get permission from your father before leaving the house as you are a female.

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