ANSWER: You are sinful for abandoning dhuhr as this is a major sin in Islam. You can wipe over your socks as long as you put them on in a state of Wudu for up to 24 hours (resident) from when you first started wiping on them. 

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ANSWER: If the state of wudhu you are in is the result of a real full wudhu where you had washed your feet, you can change as many socks as you wish as long as you are in that state of wudhu. 

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ANSWER: This is not permissible. You must make ablution when water is available. You can do wudu before leaving the house for the airport and wear socks and can wipe over them when renewing your wudu, instead of washing the feet.

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ANSWER: No problem as long as you rub the skin with water so that the cream doesn’t form a layer preventing the water from reaching the skin 

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