ANSWER: No, as it exposes parts of the face.

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ANSWER: You are sinful and this is a sign of hypocrisy! If he was insulting your parents, would you have just stood there listening to him? 

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ANSWER: He is still her wali until proven that he is a disbeliever or unfit to be her guardian as when he orders her to have boyfriends or to go to nightclubs etc.

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ANSWER: What is the ruling on celebrating the New Year? If you acknowledge that it is prohibited, then assisting others in it would be prohibited as well and the money earned is haram. 

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ANSWER: The profit should be a fixed percentage, on the actual profits the company makes and not a fixed amount of money. If you don’t share any losses and they guarantee to give you your money back when you ask for it, this is clear riba. When joining them, your 40k should be calculated to […]

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ANSWER: The translation is not the Quran and hence neither the reward nor the benefits are the same as reading the Arabic Quran.

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ANSWER: This is a cultural thing! Most Islamic countries consider this as part of honoring the husband and respecting him. Only those in the west consider this to be anti feminist and would fight against it! Probably this is why their marriages don’t last long.

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