ANSWER: You must remove them once they grow. There is no length mentioned. It shouldn’t be long and usually once a week is sufficient to shave it.

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ANSWER: The sunnah is that the follower doesn’t move until the imam has reached the final stage of his movement. This means that if he is going for sujood, the follower doesn’t begin to bend his back until the imam’s forehead has touched the ground. This is cascaded in all other movements. 

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ANSWER: No problem as long as your clothes don’t have any impurity (oil is not an impurity) and that you had worn your shoes when you were in the state of wudu.

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ANSWER: You must disregard any spotting that come before the period. It is not your menstruation until you see the flow of blood and you must not stop praying, fasting and you can have intimacy with your husband during these spotting. You must wash the affected areas, change the underwear and renew your wudu before […]

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ANSWER: You can pray dhuhr as soon as the time for dhuhr enters, regardless of when the khutbah has started or when they pray Friday prayer in the masjid. Congregation at the masjid has got nothing to do with your prayer at home. 

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ANSWER: You should wake them up if the time is running out unless they specifically ask you not to.

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ANSWER: If you know that there will be another congregation, you should go and join it. But if you know that it is too late and no second or third congregation would be conducted there, you can pray home.

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