You must disregard any spotting that come before the period. It is not your menstruation until you see the flow of blood and you must not stop praying, fasting and you can have intimacy with your husband during these spotting. You must wash the affected areas, change the underwear and renew your wudu before praying.

If the flow of blood stops at the end of your menses and you see dryness for one day, take your ghusul and pray. The spotting afterwards only invalidates your wudhu but this is not menses as it comes after your purity.

Purity is identified by seeing a white thread like discharge or by experiencing complete dryness. If you saw your purity once the flow of blood has stopped, you may take ghusl and disregard any spotting that comes afterwards as nothing, you must wash the affected areas, change your underwear and renew your wudhu before each prayer.

My menses start at the end of each month (or one day or two before or after). It starts with pink/red discharges and then after a few hours or after a day I see the flow of blood. The ending of my menses is the same. After about four days of flowing blood, I see spotting and then in one day, I am pure. Are the spots in my case considered part of my period and I should stop praying/fasting?