There is no evidence from Quran and Sunnah to indicate that the dua of a pregnant woman is more superior to the dua of others. Allah the Almighty answers all duas! Kindly refer to the following link(s):

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Performing a separate sujood for Duaa is an innovation and it is prohibited. You can make your Duaa during the prayer itself.

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There is nothing in Islam as durood Taj. The best dua is Allahuma salli ‘ala Muhammad wa’ala ali Muhammad kama sallayta’ala Ibraheemm wa’ala ali Ibraheem innaka hameedum-majeed. Allahumma barik’ala Muhammad wa’ala ali Muhammad kama barakta’ala ibraheem wa’ala ali Ibraheem innaka hameedum-majeed. O Allah, pray on Muhammad and on the followers of Muhammad . This is […]

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