ANSWER: You must not think negatively like this. Be confident in your looks and never show him your insecurities. If he has chosen you, it means he likes your looks. There are many things in you that would compensate for any thing that might be missing in regards to your physical appearance, though I believe […]

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ANSWER: He is still her wali until proven that he is a disbeliever or unfit to be her guardian as when he orders her to have boyfriends or to go to nightclubs etc.

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ANSWER: This is a cultural thing! Most Islamic countries consider this as part of honoring the husband and respecting him. Only those in the west consider this to be anti feminist and would fight against it! Probably this is why their marriages don’t last long.

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ANSWER: Providing a roof over you is the responsibility of your husband. It is not your obligation that you use any of your money to provide for a home or it’s rent. No one can tell you what to do with your possessions. Whether you choose to help out or not, is entirely upon you. […]

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ANSWER: No problem in marrying infertile people. Marrying fertile women is a recommendation, not a rule. A barren woman can be a second or third wife. If the possibility of her conceiving is there and she is a righteous woman go ahead with it. The prophet salla allahu alaihi wa sallam recommended men who have […]

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ANSWER: This is totally prohibited and you would be kicked out of the house and no father would ever let you in his house to meet his daughter for marriage! You might be better off going to the cattle market! 

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ANSWER: If Allah loved her, He would get her married to someone who is righteous and practicing and not to a joker. Mostly such marriages will break in few months or years. Just wait for it, and make duaa that Allah guides her back to Islam. Paradise is prohibited for anyone who has a grain […]

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