ANSWER: When you finish the second prostration and stand up for the following one.

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ANSWER: It’s a major sin if the masjid is within your vicinity and you are able to go physically but choose not to pray in the masjid without a valid reason.

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ANSWER: It’s an established sunnah to raise & move your index finger and to look at it during the whole tashahhud, from attahiyat, during salutations upon Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam, when making dua until you begin to give salam to your right.

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ANSWER: If there are two or more men followers, they must stand in the next row behind the imam and the women must stand in the next row of the male followers. If there is only one male follower then he must stand shoulder to shoulder to the right side of the imam in the […]

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ANSWER: No problem in this when you don’t have to pray or offer wudu because this blocks the water from reaching the nails and would invalidate the wudu. You must conceal this in front of non mahram men and while going out.

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