ANSWER: You should not pray with trousers that would show the shape of your legs, you must wear a loose abaya over it that covers the entire body, shoulders and bone structure 

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ANSWER: I think you mean this dua 👇 and this is authentic to recite as a dua in the last tashahhud, before making salam. It was also narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught Abu Bakr al-Siddiq a du’a which he could recite during his Salah, as was narrated […]

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ANSWER: Reciting another surah after fateha is a recommended sunnah but it’s not obligatory in any of the prayers.

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ANSWER: Yes, as the imam is the sutra for the followers if this praying person is praying in the congregation. But if he is praying his sunnah prayer, this is not permissible.

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ANSWER: It’s not mandatory to give the adhan if its already given in any masjid in the city. Reciting the iqamah is a highly recommended sunnah but it’s not mandatory and the prayer is valid even if one skips it intentionally 

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