ANSWER: This is authentic and it is referring to before tasleem and NOT after concluding the prayer!  The dua should be made after completing the prayer, just before making salam. It’s time to make the prescribed dhikr after you conclude the fard prayer (after salam).  After finishing fard salah, it’s time for making the prescribed […]

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ANSWER: You must not be part of such gatherings as there’s no obedience to anyone at the cost of disobedience to Allah.  You don’t have to fight or have arguments, rather you simply avoid such celebrations and gatherings with diplomacy and wisdom and give them dawah at appropriate times with good manners, knowledge and fair […]

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ANSWER: When you ask about the word manzil, this is an innovation and the links clarify this.  As for ruqya, this is something different! It should be done with the verses and surah that were prescribed or related to the issue.  Verses from surah Arrahman is not from ruqya.  What is Ruqyah and how one […]

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