What is my duty , should i go their and fight or what should i do ?


When Muslims are empowered, they should help one another in defending their countries. In today’s environment, a Muslim going to such countries wouldn’t be fighting under an Imam’s flag, as in the case of Iraq for example. A lot of young enthusiasts went to Iraq to defend it, ending up in the custody of the invaders who bought them from their Syrian or Jordanian traitors. Those who managed to fight, ended up blowing civilians and committing terrorists attacks.

This is not Islam.

If you have a proper Muslim Imam or a country that supports such Jihad, this is legitimate only under the flag of a legitimate Imam and not any one asking people to make his their Imam.

People in these countries need you prayers most and they also need your support to unite their people under the Quran and Sunnah. They need your financial assistance and support.

If you go to them, you will not help them. You would be a burden on them as you don’t know the culture, the language nor the terrain.

I need to know about jehad in islam as i can see that , their is alot of muslim country is under attack . and islam said that you should defend it

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