Question : He is objecting to our preferring the view that it is permissible to vote in elections even though we say that democracy is contrary to Islam
In one Fatwa you have said, that it is kufrakbar to rule with other hukm than hukm of quran and sunna. so someone who involves himself into ruling by other than that of sharia,becomes a kafir. So what is the reason, that you said in another fatwa that going to a democratic election (which is another system than sharia), to elect someone who could help. This is kufr akbar. because participating in shirk is also shirk, and noone of the salaf participated into shirk-systems. why did you say in one fatwa, that it is no problem?? even shaykh ibn uthaymin said it would be no problem. but to participate in shirk is however not allowed only in ikrah, such as i know. And also Shaykh Gunayman said it is Kufr akbar to go on voting, here is the audio:

you are on different opinion on this far-reaching subject. could you clarify these differences?.

We have a brother in Uk who is telling us that there is a Salafi group there who are supporting the idea that going to vote is Shirk. He is asking your opinion related to this.?

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