These are wiswas from the shaytan that you must fight and ignore. His main goal is to stop you from sharing good things with others then he will make you leave islam all together. As long as you don’t utter those words or believe them, there is nothing on you, in shaa Allah. Make ruqya […]
Read moreYou are doing the right thing by ignoring. Next time, sprinkle some water in your underwear, so you will think it’s the water when you get such deviant thoughts.
Read moreYou have to ignore these waswas!
Read moreThese are all whispers of Satan! Allah will reward these deviants for the good in them in this life and in the hereafter if they are Muslims. He will also punish you for your sins as well.
Read moreANSWER: This is permissible though I believe that if what you are suffering from is not medical illness, this is from Satan and you must fight it and not allow him to play with your head like this.
Read moreIf you don’t see it, you don’t need to worry about it.
Read moreNo, he doesn’t have to repeat it.
Read moreWithout doubt it is from the devils. You can know that by the outcome: which is cutting them off.
Read moreNo, this is not a curse. It is natural for human being to fall sick! Don’t let Satan play with your mind like this and do make ruqya on yourself.
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