Yes he must either marry or fast if he is unable to marry as masturbation is a forbidden act of transgression.

This feeling of guilt will soon fade away as your heart will get accustomed to this filthy Sin which would subsequently lead to the death of your heart. If you don’t put an end to it, it will lead to more serious things that can be beyond repair such as impotency! Fear Allah and stop it NOW.

Does (the risk of and actual) masturbating suffice for marriage to be obligatory? Even if he (25 years) is trying hard to avoid & always immediately repents & hates it? (he used to do it for 10 yrs regularly, since 2 yrs complete change and only falls into it again every 2-3 months & then stops again. Longest period w/o masturbation: 7 months, but then in summer happened again). So it’s quite unpredictable. As he’s too busy w/ studies, he wonders if obliged to marry

Masturbation |