This is not a hadeeth to my knowledge. If Abdullah Al Faisal is the one who talks about Takfeer and he is from Jamaica, he is not part of Ahlu Sunnah and one shouldn’t listen to him or even quote him as he talks without knowledge and he goes against the way of the Prophet […]

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But I’ve recently been “rebutted” by one of my brothers who sent the following ahadith as “proof” that congregational dhikr is accepted & encouraged: Hadith Qudsi: “Those that remember Me in their heart, I remember them in My heart; and those that remember Me in a gathering, I remember them (i.e. make mention of them) […]

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We know that whoever drinks intoxicants is the person who Allah will not accept the prayers of 40 days. There isn’t to my knowledge any hadeeth covering eating things that the punishment would be the same. As for smoking, it is a sin but we can’t say that it shares the same punishment as intoxicants […]

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Though it is a sin and Allah will punish whoever does this, but there is nothing in Islam that states that the Iman will be taken from the individual or that it would be given to the disbeliever.

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ya mohammadi inna natawassalu bika ila rabbika fashfa’a lanaa indal maulal a’zeemi ya ni’amar rasoolut tahiru. Allahumma shaffi’ahu feena bijaahihi indaka”. (Meaning – O’Allah (SWT) I implore, I beg to you with the mediation (waseelah) of your revered beloved Prophet -SAWS who is chosen by you. O’ Beloved of the Al-mighty, O’ Mohammad (SAWS) we […]

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in the column where there is a little supplication to be recited (eg. at ayah 30 of Surah Mulk, Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم): “Tell me! If (all) your water were to sink away, who then can supply you with flowing (spring) water?” next to the black star is written Ameen Allaahu Rabb […]

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So Shaykh does this mean the Prophet ( Peace and Blessings of Allah Be Upon Him) would respond everytime when we send Salaam because I believe he is not alive so how can he respond us back. Please clarify …………………………………………………… The Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam is not alive the life he used to […]

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The hadeeth which this person graded as weak is authentic and it was authenticated by Imam Al Albani who was one of the greatest Imams in the sciences of Hadeeth. Therefore, don’t listen except to those who are expert in their sciences.

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