ANSWER: This does not effect the validity of your prayers, however it’s totally prohibited to grow your nails like this.  It’s mandatory to cut them off within 40 days and if they grow before that time then you MUST cut them off immediately instead of imitating the disbelievers. 

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ANSWER: When people get used to something, the beauty of it fades away because one is accustomed to it. This is why one should alternate between duaa and thikr so that his heart would always be alert and alive. 

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ANSWER: This depends on the situation and the intention as well. Generally speaking, this is one of the ways satan throws enmity and hatred in Muslims hearts. 

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ANSWER: Allah said in the Quran be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease (of hypocrisy, or evil desire for adultery) should be moved with desire, but speak in an honourable manner.

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ANSWER: You are in great danger and deeds are judged by their conclusion. It doesn’t matter if you had prayed regularly for 50 years. What counts is the last days of your life whether you were skipping prayers or regular. If you die right now, you will not be resurrected among those who are observing […]

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