ANSWER: No problem as long as your clothes don’t have any impurity (oil is not an impurity) and that you had worn your shoes when you were in the state of wudu.

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ANSWER: If the ghusul was to uplift a major impurity, this means that you are in the state of wudhu and hence, you can wipe over the socks once you put them on in the state of wudhu. But if this was not to uplift a major impurity, you can only do that if you […]

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ANSWER: You must remove it. If you are unable, you must offer wudhu and then offer tayammum for the skipped area that was affected by the glue.

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ANSWER: Once you are certain of your purity and there are no colored discharges, you must take ghusul and start to pray. If brownish or yellowish discharges appear afterwards, you need to wash yourself and change what is affected with such discharges before praying and and making wudhu. If these are continuous without stop, you […]

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