He is sinful for speaking without knowledge by saying you would not enter Jannah! 

Such people are only interested in making you react negatively in response to their verbal abuse and humiliation. Once you respond, they become happy for depressing you.

You must turn the table on them by NOT Defending yourself to his verbal abuse at all NOT EVEN with a single word.
You must not also argue with him over anything at all. Let him talk and talk without a response from you except a big smile on your face.

This will kill him slowly but eventually, he will stop because he feels silly and ignored. The more he is abusive and talks trash about your parents, the more good deeds they will take from him on the day of judgement in compensation for what he said. So actually, he is benefiting them! Don’t go to his level and don’t speak ill about his parents.

When my husband gets angry abt stuff he starts yelling, curses me,my parents & family with the worst profanity(sometimes my parents n his r in room) i often stay quiet but sometimes i cant take d abuse against my parents n i say d same back about his. He says i will not enter Jannah because i am disrespectful and he is not happy with me. Do i hv to quietly hear d abuse? He says he wont stop.

Fiqh of Marriage |