
What you have done is wrong and a sin and the justification you gave is not legitimate.

You have to have dignity in your religion without violence or rudeness. You can simply apologize that it is against your religion to shake hands with the opposite sex.

It would be a bit embracing and she might get annoyed of this but Allah will be pleased with you and this is all that counts.

What would you do if you were in a country that kiss on the cheek? Would you also feel embarrassed and pressured?

You have to draw the line and show people that you are a practicing Muslim and that there are things you can not do.

And Allah knows best

Today at work a non mahram manager came over to me and offered he hand to shake, I was in such a situation that I shaked the hand. In a non muslim country men and women are treated the same .. but I know you should no shake hands with a person who is not your mahram. All eyes were on me to shake her hand and the I was pressured to shake the hand Usually I dont shake hands with no mahram but in such a pressure situation and such a environment and atmosphere it was hard to resist. Is there any fatwa regarding this situation. i pray to allah and repent for my sins (as stafir allah wa atooba illay)

Etiquette, Morals and Heart-Softeners |