
It is the man’s right to ask about such things as this comes part of making sure of the future wife.
Therefore, there is nothing wrong in asking the father about this concern and telling him that you require your wife to have long hair. If she doesn’t, the father will apologize and the matter would end there.

And Allah knows best

Have an absurd question, which troubles me. Thing is I like long hair a lot!!! In fact I can’t imagine a wife without long, healthy, shiny hair. I don’t know why would any woman want to have their hair short but some actually do. Now since we can’t see her hair, can we ask how long her hair is? Problem is that it just sounds so wrong but I don’t want to take a chance either. Maybe that’s where sisters would come in handy. What if somebody doesn’t have a mother/sister to ‘see’ the girl? I actually find that wrong too. I mean this is not a sale or anything that you need to scrutinize everything. So any solutions???

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