This is not a healthy marriage! Any man who benefits from his wife’s earnings and has no problem in her spending money over him and his family is not a real man and you must be very conservative with your wealth and not disclose anything of your income or expenditure to him or to his family as they will abuse it and take you for granted!

Many marriages failed because of such financial imbalance where the man liked sitting back and having his wife take care of the bills 

Lied2hubby about giving sadaqah2our nan,I bring in the income4now, married my paternal cousin, he lives in Bangladesh, having2work2bring him2Uk.He gets jealous, tells his family everything,they backbite,they always wnt my family2gve them money, he tells me why I shouldn’t help my paternal family who live in Bangladesh he’s happy when I help his dad/siblings,wld never refuse.

Fiqh of Marriage |