Sunnah means linguistically “the way”. Sunnah in Islam has two meanings. The first meaning is that whatever the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam had ever done or said. this is his Sunnah. by this definition, Pilgrimage is Sunnah, the five daily prayers are a Sunnah because he did that. the other meaning of Sunnah is the ruling that jurors use. This Sunnah means that it is recommended; if you do it, you will be rewarded. But if you don’t do it, you will not be sinful. The beard is a Sunnah by the first definition and mandatory by the second definition.

I read in one of your answers that everything Prophet(s.a.w) did or asked to do is Sunnah,then why is beard regarded a fardh by many scholors?

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